9.5 Sendmail

Unlike using Sendmail's virtual email support, you can have multiple accounts with same names, on main server. As explained above, bob@vserver1.com and bob@mainserver.com are actually different accounts. This is a great advantage. As far as setting up a virtual server for email though, Virtfs copies over the main server's /etc/sendmail.cf file (which you must set in virt.conf under Sendmail CF) to the virtual server's /etc directory and edits the line:

#Dj$w.Foo.COM to:

Djvserver1.com (replacing vserver1.com with your server's real entry).

We set up Sendmail within inetd as follows:

smtp stream tcp nowait root /path/to/virtuald virtuald /virtual/conf.pop /path/to/sendmail -bs

You can configure mail services for tcp_virtuald as it has been done above for FTP.

Please note that Virtfs will automatically add/delete entries from the conf.pop configuration file. This file permits the servers listed to accept connections from the ports.